What We Do

Our responsibilities

►Improve the image of Taiwanese precision machinery.
►Help to upgrade the Taiwanese machine tool industry.
►Undertake R&D into the technologies of precision machinery.
►Undertake R&D into the safety of machinery.
►Support technical part of information for marketing.
►Assess and certificate quality system and machinery.

Our partners for growth-Local partner
►Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry (TAMI)
►Precision Machinery Development Association (CMD)
►Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)
►Metal Industry Research and Development Center (MIRDC)
►Plastics Industry Development Center (PIDC)
►Taiwan Machine Tool & Accessories Builders’ Association(TMBA)

Our partners for growth-Overseas partner

►Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA)
►Advanced Manufacturing Technology Research Institute, UK (AMTRI)
►TRL EMC Ltd. UK (TRL), SmartScan, PA, IMS

Development of Future Core Technological Competence

Planning For Future Core Technologies